söndag 1 augusti 2010

Online Income Simplified as Laura Burke

The Affiliate Marketing Schoolbook
by Laura Burke

An e-course containing all the step-by-step instructions, tips and techniques you need to set up a reliable, profitable affiliate marketing business

I just wish I’d had this when I started!

When I got started in affiliate marketing, I spent about four months looking for all the information in this e-course (which wasn’t yet published), because I learned everything the hard way, and it was really, really difficult: difficult to know what to do; difficult to know where to go for help; difficult to know whether to buy things and what; difficult to know whom to trust and believe; difficult even to understand the language of affiliate marketing.

Gradually, with a combination of enormous effort, expert guidance and very good luck, I just about managed to get it together. For the first 3 or 4 months I earned almost nothing and just didn’t know what I was doing. Most people would have given up long before I started making it pay. Most people do. But I was so determined not to give in that gradually I kept on making changes to what I was doing until I eventually found ways to make things work …

… and let me tell you: that’s really hard, because affiliate marketing is like a hurdle race. If you don’t put in a clear round, you don’t earn anything. Nobody tells you at which fences you fell. Nobody tells you how many of them there were. Nobody tells you by how much you fell short. It’s tough.

You need information, but when you get it, it’s often either expensive, or incorrect. Or both. And most of it conflicts with most of the other information you get, and then you easily end up in information overload, totally confused, bewildered and disoriented and not knowing where to turn.

Having “arrived”, a year or so later, and now finally earning a good living from my affiliate marketing activities, I completely understand why I find myself very much on the other side of the table. I’m always being asked, by people who’ve read my many posts in the Warrior Forum and other places, which guidebook I can recommend. And it gradually struck me that I still needed one just to be able to recommend it to others. So I started looking for this kind of product all over again!

Now at last knowing what to look for, I searched all the affiliate network sites looking for information I could unreservedly recommend to people, but even knowing what I know now about how to earn a living in this way, I still couldn’t find anything suitable. I got lots of “review copies” and I even bought a few more guidebooks but couldn’t find what I wanted. Until I found Laura’s Affiliate Marketing Schoolbook.

This is without doubt

the best affiliate marketing guide I’ve ever seen.

I’m a professional affiliate marketer, but I’ve never before been an affiliate for any product in this “niche” of “affiliate marketing advice”, because I’ve never before seen one that I can wholeheartedly and unreservedly recommend. This one, however, I’m delighted to recommend! (And I learned a lot from it myself, too).

I’ve known Laura, the author, for a while, and I’ve seen her posts in various forums before she wrote and published this. I know what a supremely ethical person she is, and how full of integrity. She didn’t want to publish this until she was really sure that it was the best it could possibly be. And it is. The Affiliate Marketing Schoolbook genuinely has the answers.

But more than that, it has the answers to the right questions: in addition to being a successful affiliate marketer herself, Laura actually teaches people this stuff - real people in a real classroom, and she knows what questions are asked and what answers are needed to solve everyone’s problems and difficulties. And it shows.

This is a beautifully presented, beautifully written 270-page e-book divided up into 55 coherent, logical lessons - including various tasks, worksheets and checklists to keep track of the progress made - each of which is easy to understand. The highlighted “keys to success” in each lesson tell you what’s really important to know, and all the explanations are really clear.

Unlike many “guides”, this one doesn’t assume that you start off speaking the language of affiliate marketing fluently (sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But most of them apparently assume exactly that!).

With this one e-course, there’s no need to pay expensive monthly subscriptions to “coaching services”, “memberships”, “information services” and all those other places that can drain your finances before you even earn a penny. It’s just a one-off purchase - and at less than $100, a fantastic bargain. And as if all that isn’t enough, when you buy The Affiliate Marketing Schoolbook, you even get a year’s free hosting with it (and that alone is worth about $85!).

Affiliate marketing is no get-rich-quick scheme. It requires some learning, some understanding and some real work - and this course doesn’t pretend otherwise. It’s as realistic as it honest, as helpful as it is informative, and as comprehensible as it is comprehensive. For anyone interested in earning simplified, steady and reliable online income, this is just a no-brainer. And by the way, there’s even a 100% money-back guarantee if you don’t like it, too - who could ask for more?!

I'm now proud to be an affiliate for The Affiliate Marketing Schoolbook, and that means that if you buy it through a link on this page, I'll earn a commission (without you paying a penny more, of course!) which is money I spend, for example, on hosting and maintaining my websites.

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