onsdag 3 mars 2010

wealthandthelawofattraction.pdf (application/pdf-objekt)

wealthandthelawofattraction.pdf (application/pdf-objekt)

Wealth and the Law of Attraction
What is ‘The Law of Attraction’?
The concept that our thoughts influence the probability of us achieving what we want. That if we
really want something and we absolutely believe it will happen, then we will achieve it. However,
if we think about what we do not want, we will achieve that too.
For example, if you worry about going into debt, then you are likely to increase the probability of
going into debt. If we think about wealth, then we increase the likelihood of wealth.
Where did it come from?
There are many references to the Law of Attraction. Particularly coming from the first part of the
20th century. The ones I have studied include William Walker Atkinson Wallace ‘Thought Vibration.’,
James Allen ‘As a Man Thinketh’, Wallace Wattles ‘The Science of Getting Rich’, Napolean
Hill ‘Think and Grow Rich‘. In 2006 Rhonda Byrne launched ‘The Secret’ , inspired by ‘The Science
of Getting Rich’ turning the concept into a global phenomena.
I also like the following quote by Thomas Troward from about 1904, "the action of Mind, plants that
nucleus which, if allowed to grow undisturbed, will eventually attract to itself all the conditions necessary
for its manifestation in outward visible form."

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